Ever Given freed from the Suez Canal

Ever Given freed from the Suez Canal

As of yesterday afternoon, Monday 29th March, the Ever Given was successfully refloated and has now been moved to the Great Bitter Lake, where she will be thoroughly assessed.

This now means that the Suez canal is fully operational again, however, we are hearing that it may take up to a week for the backlog of over 300 vessels waiting at each end of the canal to be cleared.

This will, in turn, also have an impact when the delayed vessels all reach European ports around the same time, as there will be limited berthing slots available, and separately haulage may be an issue due to an increase in containers in the quay awaiting delivery.

Finally, all containers on the Ever Given will be further delayed whilst full checks are carried out to assess her seaworthiness. Hopefully this will happen promptly and no issues, due to her being dragged to be refloated, will be found.

If you are concerned about your cargo, or have urgent delays to be met, please feel to contact us to discuss the latest situation.

We have included, as an example, one of the many notifications we have received from the lines giving further information.

Valid from

Valid until

Affected party

Cost implications
